How to Play TNT by AC/DC - The easiest AC/DC Song to Play on Guitar
Beginner Guitar Lesson- How to Play TNT by AC/DC – The easiest AC/DC Song to Play on Guitar
How to Play TNT AC/DC -(Beginner ACDC Rock Guitar Lesson)
In this guitar lesson, we show you how to play TNT by AC/DC on guitar. This is a classic AC/DC song and a lot of fun to play on guitar. If you are a beginner guitar player, this is the perfect ACDC song to learn, because it uses only 3 really easy guitar chords.
Even if you are a beginner guitar player, you should be able to learn this AC/DC song fairly easily. In this guitar lesson we will show you the chords you need to learn how to play TNT by AC/DC, but also a very important “muting” technique that is crucial for this song but also for learning how to play many other AC/DC songs on guitar.
*******Download the chord chart below********
If you are a beginner guitar player and wanting to learn how to play TNT by AC/DC on guitar, you don’t want to miss this guitar lesson.