Top 5 Beginner Guitar Mistakes
Beginner Guitar Lesson – Avoid these common Beginner Guitar Mistakes.
Make sure you don’t sabotage your efforts when learning how to play guitar! In this guitar lesson, we talk about the 5 most common guitar mistakes beginner guitar players make; usually without even realizing it. We will cover things like how to position your left hand on the guitar neck to get the best sounding chords with the least effort. We will also talk about two very common mistakes made with the strumming arm.
This is probably one of the most important guitar lesson we have ever posted. If you are a beginner guitar player learning how to play guitar you have probably felt the frustration of playing guitar chords and not having them sound good. Maybe your guitar chords sound muffled or “clunky” or maybe you hear that annoying buzzing sound. These are the most common guitar mistakes when people are learning how to play guitar, but these beginner guitar tips will help you make your pathe to learn guitar more smoother. Some of the reasons may be ones you have thought of before, but some others may surprise you.
In this lesson, we use a Cmajor chord for the example, but the principles demonstrated here apply to all guitar chords. We talk about proper left hand technique and proper fretting hand placement. We also explain proper guitar strumming and help you learn how to strum the guitar properly. If you are a beginner guitar player learning how to play guitar, you definitely want to watch this video to make your guitar chords sound the best they can. Watch this guitar lesson, fix theses areas and it will make your guitar playing much smoother and more musical.