New Studies: Men Who Play Guitar Are More Attractive

A new study published in Psychology of Music, (conducted by researchers at the University of Bretagne-Sud and the University of Paris-Sud) shows that women find a man who plays guitar to be more attractive than a man who doesn’t.

In this study, the researchers instructed a young man to approach 300 women between the ages of 18 and 22 and ask them for their phone number. During one third of those encounters he carried a guitar case, another third he carried a gym bag, and the final third he was empty-handed.

When empty handed, the man obtained phone numbers 14 percent of the time. When he approached with the gym bag, he only succeeded in getting phone numbers 9 percent of the time. But when he approached the females while carrying a guitar case, he had the women offering up their phone numbers 31 percent of the time.

In a another unrelated study, published in the Letters of Evolutionary Behaviorial Science, researchers from Israel used Facebook friend requests to gauge the attractiveness of a guitar playing man over a non guitar player. The researchers sent 100 female university students a friend request from a man they did not know. For half of the women, the male’s profile picture showed him holding a guitar, while the other half showed him empty handed.

The empty handed male had only 3 percent of his friend requests accepted, while the guitar holding male received 28 percent acceptance.

Why do women seem to favor men who play guitar? The studies did not have and answer for that, but the researchers from the French study stated that the ability to play an instrument “is perhaps associated with physical and intellectual abilities.”

You can’t argue with science!
